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Proteins are the building blocks of your body and getting enough of them is important for staying strong and healthy. But how much do you know about protein? Take the test and learn more about the fascinating world of proteins.

1/10: The building blocks of proteins

You might know that proteins are the building blocks of the body. But what are the building blocks of proteins?

The correct answer is: A. Amino acids

The building block of proteins are amino acids. Glucose molecules are the building block of polysaccharides (including starch and cellulose), and fatty acids are the building blocks of fats.

2/10: Protein storage

Where is excess protein stored in the body?

The correct answer is: B. There is no protein reservoir in the body

Although proteins are important, the body is unable to store them. That’s why it is important to always consume enough protein to meet your protein needs.

3/10: Leucine

What is leucine?

The correct answer is: A. An amino acid that plays a critical role in building muscles

Leucine is one of the amino acids that make up proteins – and one that plays a critical role in building muscles. That’s why many athletes focus on getting enough leucine. And did you know that whey protein is a great source of leucine?

4/10: The essential amino acids

What are the essential amino acids?

The correct answer is: C. Amino acids that the body requires from external sources

Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body, so you need to get them through your diet. There are nine different essential amino acids and whey protein contains all of them in the right proportions for the human body. That’s why whey protein is a great source of essential amino acids.

5/10: Nutritional quality

What are the two criteria that define the nutritional quality of protein?

The correct answer is: A. Digestibility and amino acid composition

Digestibility and amino acid composition are the criteria that define the nutritional quality of protein. Whey protein has a very favourable amino acid profile and is easily digestible.

Flavour, colour, solubility and binding properties aren’t important for nutritional quality, but they are reasons why people appreciate whey protein. Whey protein is completely soluble with a neutral flavour and colour. And its binding properties make it easy to use in your daily cooking.

6/10: Complete proteins

What does the term “complete protein” mean?

The correct answer is: C. It’s an expression used for proteins that contain all the essential amino acids

Complete protein means that the protein contains all the essential amino acids, just like whey protein. The total amount of protein you consume per day would be called your protein intake.

7/10: The history of whey

When did people start consuming whey?

The correct answer is: B. Hippocrates already recommended it in 450 BC

We know that Hippocrates recommended whey protein as early as 450 BC, but archeologists recently found signs of whey consumption that go back even further.

In the 17th century whey was a very popular drink served at whey bars. For unknown reasons, whey disappeared at some point in the 20th century. But today the health benefits of whey have been rediscovered and it’s once again gaining popularity.

8/10: Protein needs

At what stage of your life do you need protein?

The correct answer is: C. At all stages of life

You need to get protein every day throughout your life to maintain your muscle and bones. However, your protein needs do change over time, and as you get older or at times when your body is strained by sickness or pregnancy, you might benefit from a higher amount. People who exercise also benefit from an increased protein intake to build muscle and help the body recover.

9/10: When to get your whey

When is the best time of day to get whey protein?

The correct answer is: C. Evenly distributed throughout the day

It’s great to start your day with a protein-rich meal, and of course consuming whey protein after exercise will support your recovery. However, an even distribution during the day is recommended to provide a steady supply of protein and amino acids.

10/10: The benefits of whey

How can whey protein benefit you?

The correct answer is: C. A and B are correct

Whey protein has multiple health benefits as part of a healthy diet. It supports your muscle mass growth and helps you maintain healthy bones. Containing all the required essential amino acids, whey protein is also absorbed quickly and easily by the body.

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Want to learn even more about protein?

Dive into our content about the importance of proteins and all the fascinating benefits of whey protein.